Everyone is familiar that in order to report an emergency situation, you can dial 911 for help. However, the Alert Pinellas City of Tarpon Springs (Reverse 911) system calls you at times when residents need to be informed of situations where life and property are concerned, to where a situation may create detours due to construction or a public event. .
The Alert Pinellas City of Tarpon Springs (Reverse 911) system is a mass communication tool used to notify citizens of critical situations, crime alerts, crime prevention information, and other information deemed to be in the interest of the citizens and property of Tarpon Springs.
The Alert Pinellas City of Tarpon Springs (Reverse 911) system is an internet browser computer system that uses a combination of an address database and GIS mapping technology.
The system can send out messages to a specific geographic area, or a specific list of streets, households, or individuals, with a common interest. In addition, the Alert Pinellas City of Tarpon Springs (Reverse 911) System has the capability to leave a message on an answering machine. Even if an individual's telephone is busy at the time, the system can redial that number at predetermined intervals.
Some of the situations where the Alert Pinellas City of Tarpon Springs (Reverse 911) System can be used for are;
Missing or endangered children and elderly adults.
Evacuations or information concerning critical incidents.
Neighborhood Crime Watch information.
Street closures due to construction or public events.
Crime Alerts to a specific area or group.
Boil water notices.
The Alert Pinellas City of Tarpon Springs (Reverse 911) system also has a self- registration portal. This self-registration portal gives the public the opportunity to enter additional contact information to receive a notification. Examples would be cell phone numbers, work numbers, and business numbers. If a notification was to be issued in the area of your home and/or your business the notification would also be sent to any additional numbers you listed in the self-registration portal.
Click the link below to access the Alert Pinellas City of Tarpon Springs self- registration portal.